- Stains on your scrubs in hues of white, off white, yellow, seedy yellow, and of course, various shades of brown brightly adorn your scrubs. And subsequently, you have mastered the creation of the perfect stain remover substance that works best on partially digested formula-based stains.
- Your locker is also stocked with a spare pink, teal, and Disney Princess scrub top in case of a stain emergency.
- Your friends who are new parents turn to you for advice on diaper changing skills since you get more practice changing diapers on a daily basis than most parents do with their own kids.
- You don’t memorize medicine dosages by mg or mcg but instead by weight-based dosing such as mg/kg or mcg/kg.
- It’s a normal occurrence to see the fairy godmother frolicking through the halls of the hospital.
- You think an eight pound baby is one of the biggest, healthiest looking babies you have ever seen!
- You impress your fellow adult health nurses because you can do weight-based dosing calculations in your head without the use of a calculator.
- People look at you funny when you check the pulse integrity and capillary refill on each new child that you meet, just by habit.
- You have mastered the art of making saline syringes into water guns, blue gloves into inflatable chickens, and tourniquets into the best sling-shots ever seen.
- You look forward to seeing clowns at work.
- Wagons are a hotter commodity to come across than a wheelchair at your hospital.
- You have memorized the channel numbers for Cartoon Network, Disney Channel and PBS kids.
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